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Coven of Cats

My local coven of black cats.

Every night you gather en masse.

Shadowy silhouettes like pointed hats.

You flick your tails

and behind featureless masks.

Mew out hexes so matter of fact



Wake up and smell the rain

Thick sheets that swallow all sound.

Gaze upon the thunder that surrounds

Crackling with power, and

Feel the bolts when they strike the ground

Bared like fangs, burning the night

As they flicker and fight.

Drench yourself in the calm before it slips away

Serenity comes, but it does not stay.

Savor the gusts that buffet your path

Hold tight and ride the zephyr out of the past.



In my room it's always three forty five

I can laugh or cry

but the seconds never creep by

And the face stares me down

perched up by the door.

Frozen in place

Behind a glass plate.

I can change the batteries

Twist the gears and wind.

Subject it to the shame

And triumphs of my life.

Unchanged, all the same

The hands sit still.

And day after day

Four o'clock? Quarter till.


Dunes so Tall

Do you see dunes so tall

Bit by bit

They fall apart

The wind it howls

Screams at them

'Bout all their faults

Yet they stand and remain

When one shelf shatters

It moves on

In the slopes between

Each mound of sand

In constant flux

Never as tall as yesterday

But each grain lost will find its place

Support a sister in some other way

Peppered in plants

Giving little animals shade

Beneath blue skies on cloudless days
